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Hydraulic Shift Unit Solenoid Valves (MV), Electronic Pressure Control Valves

Hydraulic Shift Unit Solenoid Valves (MV), Electronic Pressure Control Valves

The hydraulic shift unit has various solenoid valves and electronic pressure control valves.

Brief component description (solenoid valves)
The solenoid valves are 3/2-way valves, i.e. valves with 3 connections and 2 switch positions.

Brief component description (electronic pressure actuators)
The electronic pressure actuators convert electric current into a proportional hydraulic pressure and thus activate hydraulic valves with their corresponding shift elements.
Two types of electronic pressure actuators are fitted:
- Electronic pressure actuators with rising characteristic curve
- Electronic pressure actuators with falling characteristic curve

Resetting adaptation values (only possible in position P)
In all cases, it is advisable to delete stored adaptation values after a repair.
To reset the adaptation values, the selector lever must be in position P. If this is not the case, the adaptation values cannot be reset and a fault message is issued.