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32 13 572 Replace Electrical Steering Box (EPS)

32 13 572 Replace electrical steering box (EPS)

Steering box:
Check connection of steering box for corrosion, clean contacts if necessary. The steering box must be replaced if the corrosion is too far advanced.
Connecting line:
In the event of moisture/corrosion inside the two plug connections, check the insulation of the connecting line. If the insulation reveals any noticeable/striking features, partial replacement will be necessary. Otherwise it will be sufficient to replace the contacts or connector housing.

NOTE: In a warranty case you must always provide a fault memory printout, even where there is no fault entry, with the defective part.

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Disconnect battery earth lead
NOTE: High-current-carrying line laid with permanent positive connection (80 A fuse).
- Remove both track rod ends from swivel bearing
- Replacement: Remove both track rod ends from steering box
- Lower front axle support

Release screws (1).
Installation note:
Tightening torque 32 00 1AZ.

The control head of the steering box must not under any circumstances strike other components.
Collision with other components may result in damage to the steering box.

First swing steering box (1) in direction of travel to right and then remove towards front.

Only with R55/R56/ R57/R58:

IMPORTANT: On cars with 18" tires, it will be necessary to install steering stop limiters to be ordered separately.

Remove both track rods on steering box.
Remove both steering top limiters (1).

Installation note:
Deformation elements (2) must point to steering box (3).

After installation:
- Replacement only: Carry out programming/encoding
- Perform wheel alignment check