Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

36 13 ... Subsequent Installation of Wheel-Bolt Lock

36 12 084 Replacing sealant bottle of M-Mobility system

This work step describes how the sealant bottle is replaced within the framework of inspection (M-Mobility system not used).
If the M-Mobility system has been used, also replace the transparent tyre inflation hose.

Remove seal film (1). Not necessary if M-Mobility system has already been used.

Replace seal film.

Release Torx threaded bolts (1) and raise cover as far as possible.

Tightening torque, 36 12 1AZ.

Release hexagon nut (1), grip nut firmly from underside.

Tightening torque, 36 12 2AZ.

Lift sealant bottle out.

Ensure that hose is laid without any kinks.

NOTE: Note the expiration date when installing a new sealant bottle.