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Removing and Installing/Replacing Airbag Module on Passenger Side

72 12 000 - Removing and installing / replacing airbag module on passenger side

Read and comply with safety regulations for handling airbag modules and pyrotechnical belt tensioners.
Incorrect handling can activate airbag and cause injury.
The airbag cover on the passenger side must be replaced each time the airbag is triggered!

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove instrument panel upper section 51 45 050 - Removing and installing instrument panel upper section trim trim

Release screws (1).

Installation Note:
Restraint cables (2) must run between bracket (3).

Disconnect cable straps.
Unlock plug connection Unlocking/Locking Airbag Plug Connections(1) and disconnect.

Airbag module (2) is removed with ignition cable and bracket.

Release screws (1).
Tightening torque 72 12 1AZ 72 12 Airbag gas generator, unit for passenger side.
Lift out airbag module.