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Front Door Window Glass: Service and Repair

51 32 170 - Removing and installing or replacing front left or right door window

Special tools required:
- 51 3 240 51 3 240 Spanner

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove front door trim panel Removing and Installing Front Left or Right Door Trim Panel
- Remove outer window cavity cover strip Removing and Installing or Replacing Window Cavity Cover Strip on Outside of Left or Right Door

Slacken shims (1) on door window glass with special tool 51 3 240 51 3 240 Spanner.

Door window must be fully closed.

Lower door window glass to measurement (1).
1 = - 220 mm

Disconnect battery negative lead Instructions for Disconnecting and Connecting Battery.

Remove shims (2).

Tightening torque 51 32 1AZ Front Door Windows.
Release glass from power window unit (3) and lift out glass.

Adjust door window glass Adjustments.