Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

61 00 ... Notes on Handling the High Pressure Cleaner

61 00 ... Notes on handling the high pressure cleaner

Only used a high pressure cleaner approved by BMW.
Only instructed persons aged over 16 years may work using a high pressure cleaner.
Check the high pressure cleaner and electrical wiring for visible damage.
Only use at a suitable location.

Pay attention to following hazard warnings:
- Danger of injury due to water jet
- Contact with hazardous substances in spray
- Risk of skidding on wet floor
- Risk of stumbling due to hoses and cables
- Comply with notes and instructions on handling cleaning agents.
- Risk of scalding when cleaning with hot water.
- On electric or hybrid cars, the safety instructions for handling with hybrid cars are to be complied with.

The following personal protective equipment is to be used:
- Safety goggles/face guard
- Suitable gloves
- Apron
- Rubber boots
- Ear protectors
- Safety shoes

Notes on washing a vehicle with a high pressure cleaner:
- Do not wash directly on gaskets and control units during engine washes.
- A minimum distance of 30 cm must be adhered to for tyres and tyre valves.
- A minimum distance of 30 cm must be adhered to for the soft top and painted parts.
- Do not use if engine is still hot.
- Do not exceed maximum water temperature of 60 degrees.
- Do not spray directly onto cameras/sensors.
- On electric or hybrid cars do not wash on high-voltage components.