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72 12 060 Removing and Installing/Replacing Left or Right Head Airbag

72 12 060 - Removing and installing or replacing left or right head airbag

Read and comply with safety regulations [1][2]Safety Regulations For Handling Components With Gas Generators for handling airbag modules and pyrotechnical belt pretensioners.
Incorrect handling may trigger the head airbag or the pyrotechnical seatbelt tensioner and thereby cause injuries.

Switch off ignition!

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Disconnect battery negative lead 61 20 900 Disconnecting and Connecting Battery Negative Lead

- Remove roofliner 51 44 011 Removing And Installing/Replacing Headliner (With Slide/Tilt Sunroof)

Release screws (1) for folding pack holder.
Tightening torque 72 12 05AZ Specifications.

Installation Note:
Always replace microencapsulated Torx screws.

Release screws (1) for folding pack holder.
Tightening torque 72 12 05AZ Specifications.

Installation Note:
Microencapsulated Torx screws.

Unlock plug connection 72 12 ... Unlocking/Locking Airbag Plug Connections(1) and disconnect.
Release screws (2) and remove holder with gas generator.
Tightening torque 72 12 05AZ Specifications.

Installation Note:
Replace Torx screws and insert with Loctite(R).
Gas generator is coded against incorrect installation.

Make sure that folding pack cannot be installed twisted.
Folding pack must not be damaged.
Holders of folding pack must not be damaged.