Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Banging Interference Noise

Bumping Interference Noise From The Area Of The Transmission

Bumping interference noise that disappears when the clutch is pressed. The noise occurs more frequently when the clutch is closed very quickly. The noise can be provoked by the clutch slipping. The noise occurs when the vehicle is at a standstill and no gear is engaged. The engine is idling and the clutch is pressed. If the clutch is now released suddenly, the noise might be provoked.

The transmission input shaft does not align to the crankshaft.

Repair instruction
1. Loosen the transmission bolts
2. Centre the transmission in relation to the engine and tighten the bolts

If the noise occurs again, fit stiffened adapter sleeves between the transmission and engine.

NOTE: As of date of manufacture 10/2007, stiffened adapter sleeves are fitted.

Components that must not be replaced in the event of this complaint
- Gearshift mechanism
- Transmission
- Clutch
- Flywheel
- Side shafts