Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

51 31 021 Removing and Installing/Replacing Rubber Frame For Windscreen (Top)

51 31 021 Removing And Installing/Replacing Rubber Frame For Windscreen (Top)

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove cover for left A-pillar
- Remove left roof strip

NOTE: Both covers and roof strips must be removed in order to remove the windscreen.

- The rubber frame (1) has an aluminium strip (2).
- Carefully unwind rubber frame (1) (windscreen breakage).
- Do not use mounting lever (windscreen breakage).

- Tear-off lip (3) may be stuck to adhesive (4).
- During removal of rubber frame (1), tear-off lip (3) may tear off and remain in vehicle.
- 5 Windscreen
- 6 Gripping lip

Installation note:
To avoid whistling noises in the upper windscreen area at high speeds, attach a butyl strip (2) over the full length of the upper windscreen trim strip (1) between the roof outer skin and the sealing lip of the upper windscreen trim strip.
(Butyl tape: part no. 81 22 9 407 639)

NOTE: Make sure that the sealing lip is not shifted by the butyl and remains flush with the roof surface.

Replacement of rubber frame without windscreen removal:
Detach tear-off lip (3) from rubber frame (1).
If adhesive leaks over tear-off lip (3) onto bridge, this area must be cut out partially.
Cut (4) as illustrated in area (A) on left/right.
If necessary, remove adhesive residue from windscreen.
To facilitate installation, coat rubber frame (1) and body aperture with water.
Install rubber frame (1).
2 Aluminum strip

Replacement of rubber frame with removed windscreen:
Fit rubber frame (1) with tear-off lip (3).
Do not cut gripping lip (4).
If necessary, remove adhesive residue from windscreen.
Slide new rubber frame (1) onto upper edge of windscreen, ensuring correct alignment.
To facilitate installation, coat rubber frame (1) and body aperture with water.
2 Aluminum strip