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Alignment - Two Wheel Vs. Four Wheel

No: TT-127-00-001
DATE: June, 2006
MODEL See Below


Two Wheel Alignment versus Four Wheel Alignment - All models. When performing a two wheel alignment, the steering and suspension components are adjusted to the vehicle centerline. We then assume everything behind the front wheels is OK. However, bushings can wear, springs can sag, collision damage and shifting of the subframe can all affect rear wheel alignment angles. However, when performing a four wheel alignment, the angles in the rear are also measured and taken into account.

On vehicles where adjustments are not possible (currently just the Raider) the thrust angle is determined and the front wheels are aligned to it.

On vehicles where adjustments are possible (all current models except for Raider), the rear wheels are first individually adjusted to the proper angles from the centerline. Then, the the front wheels are adjusted to the proper angles from the centerline. After all adjustments have been made, the vehicle will handle and track properly.