EGR Valve Servicing
Figure 19:
1. Disconnect the EGR valve vacuum hoses.
2. Place a shop towel over the intake manifold carburetor openings.
3. Remove the EGR valve from the intake manifold.
4. Remove carbon deposits from the EGR Valve passages using carburetor spray cleaner (Figure 19).
5. Using a new EGR valve gasket from the emissions kit, reinstall the EGR Valve.
6. Scrape the old carburetor base gasket from both the carburetor and the intake manifold.
7. Reinstall the carburetor using the reverse order of the removal procedure. Use the new carburetor gasket from the service kit. Remove the locking clamp pliers from the coolant hose and check all vacuum hose routings and carburetor fastener torques.
8. Refill the cooling system and pressure test.