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Jatco MR600 Automatic Transmission

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Loosen oil pan attaching bolts, then tap pan at one corner and allow fluid to drain into a suitable container.
3. Remove oil pan and gasket and drain residual fluid from the pan.
4. Raise and support vehicle.
5. Remove under cover, if equipped.
6. Remove two upper transmission attaching bolts using a suitable tool.
7. Unfasten starter motor and position aside.
8. Remove oil cooler return tube and supply tube bracket from cylinder block, then disconnect oil cooler tubes from hoses.
9. Remove bellhousing cover, then the torque converter attaching bolts. Rotate crankshaft as necessary to gain access to all bolts.
10. Disconnect speedometer cable from transmission.
11. Disconnect control rod and connection lever from cross shaft, then remove the cross shaft assembly.
12. Disconnect ground cable from transmission, then mark position of propeller shaft for installation reference and remove propeller shaft from transmission.
13. Support rear of engine with a suitable jack.
14. Support transmission with a suitable jack, then remove engine support rear bracket.
15. Remove remaining transmission attaching bolts, then carefully lower transmission assembly from vehicle.
16. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:

Fig. 15 Torque converter to flex plate clearance. MR600 models:

a. Ensure torque converter bolts dimension (A), Fig. 15, measures at least 1.38 inches.
b. Following installation, adjust inhibitor switch as previously described.