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Idle Speed and Ignition Timing Adjustment

1. Run the cold engine at fast idle until the coolant temperature is 85 to 95~C (185 to 205~F).

2. Run the engine for more than 5 seconds at an engine speed of 2,000 to 3,000 RPM.

3. Allow the engine to idle. Using a tachometer, check the idle speed. If the idle speed is not between 650 - 850, readjust the idle speed using the idle speed adjusting screw No. 1 (SAS 1 (Figure 38)).

4. When the carburetor idle speed has been verified, check that the basic ignition timing has been adjusted to 5~ BTDC.

5. Adjust the basic ignition timing if it is not at 5~ BTDC.

6. Recheck and adjust idle speed.