In-Vehicle Repairs
Extension Housing & Parking Lock Control Rod
1. Mark parts for reassembly and remove propeller shaft.
2. Remove extension housing yoke seal.
3. Remove speedometer pinion and adapter assembly, then drain about two quarts of fluid from transmission.
4. Remove extension housing to crossmember bolts, then raise transmission with jack and remove crossmember.
5. Remove extension housing to transmission bolts. In the following step, the gearshift must be in low therefore positioning the parking lock control rod rearward so it can be disengaged or engaged with parking lock sprag.
Fig. 7 Extension housing snap ring removal:
6. Remove two screws, plate and gasket from bottom of extension housing mounting pad, then spread snap ring from output shaft bearing, Fig. 7, and carefully tap extension housing off output shaft bearing.
Fig. 8 Park lock components:
7. Slide extension housing off shaft to remove parking sprag and spring, then remove snap ring and slide reaction plug and pin assembly out of housing, Fig. 8.
8. To replace parking lock control rod, refer to ``Valve Body.''
1. Remove extension housing, then remove output shaft bearing rear snap ring and remove bearing.
Fig. 9 Exploded view of governor:
2. Remove snap ring, Fig. 9, from weight end of governor valve shaft and remove valve shaft from governor body.
3. Remove large snap ring from weight end of governor housing, and lift out weight assembly.
4. Remove snap ring from inside governor weight and remove inner weight and spring from outer weight.
5. Remove snap ring from behind governor housing, then slide governor housing and support assembly off output shaft. If necessary, separate governor housing from sprag (4 screws).
6. The primary cause of governor operating failure is due to a sticking governor valve or weights. Rough surfaces may be removed with crocus cloth. Thoroughly clean all parts and check for free movement before assembly.
7. Reverse above operations to assembly and install governor.
Valve Body
1. Drain transmission and remove oil pan.
Fig. 10 Valve body external components:
2. Loosen clamp bolts and remove throttle and gear selector levers from manual lever, Fig. 10.
3. Place a drain pan under transmission and remove the ten valve body to transmission bolts. Hold valve body in place while removing bolts.
4. Carefully lower valve body while pulling it forward to disengage parking control rod. It may be necessary to rotate output shaft to permit parking control rod to clear sprag.
5. Remove accumulator piston and spring from transmission case. Inspect piston for nicks, scores and wear. Inspect spring for distortion. Inspect rings for freedom in piston grooves and wear or breakage. Replace parts as necessary.