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Torqueflite MA-904A Transmissions


Transmission and converter must be removed and installed as an assembly. The drive plate will not support a load and no weight from transmission should be allowed to rest on plate during removal.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. On four wheel drive models, remove transfer case as follows:
a. Remove back-up lamp switch from lower right hand side of adapter, then the steel ball.
b. Remove plug from right side of transfer case, then the select spring and select plunger.
c. Remove six control lever attaching bolts, then the control lever assembly and gasket.
d. Remove plugs from top of adapter, then the resistance spring, steel ball, neutral return springs and plungers.
e. Drive spring pin from change shifter, using a suitable drift, then remove transfer case to adapter attaching bolts.
f. Separate transfer case assembly from adapter, then the shifter from control shaft.
3. Remove air cleaner, then disconnect wiring from starter and remove starter.
4. Remove transmission mounting bolts from bellhousing.
5. Remove oil filler tube attaching bolt and the oil filler tube.
6. Disconnect carburetor control lever and throttle rod C.
7. Raise and support vehicle.
8. Loosen transmission oil pan bolts, tap pan to break loose and allow fluid to drain, then remove pan.
9. Remove oil cooler return tube and oil cooler supply tube bracket from cylinder block, then disconnect oil cooler return tube and oil cooler supply tube from oil cooler hoses.
10. Remove bellhousing cover.
11. Rotate engine clockwise by turning crankshaft pulley with suitable wrench and remove torque converter to drive plate attaching bolts.
12. Disconnect speedometer cable from transmission.
13. Disconnect transmission control rod and lever C and support.
14. Disconnect ground cable.
15. After marking for alignment during assembly, remove propeller shaft assembly.
16. Support rear of engine using a suitable jack.
17. Support transmission using a suitable jack, then remove engine rear support bracket.
18. Remove remaining transmission mounting bolts and draw transmission rearward.
19. Lower transmission jack and remove transmission assembly from under vehicle, then carefully slide torque converter out of transmission.


Transmission and converter must be installed as an assembly. The drive plate will not support a load and no weight from transmission should be allowed to rest on plate during installation.
1. Using tool No. C-3756 or equivalent, rotate pump rotors until two small holes in handle are vertical.
2. Carefully slide converter assembly over input shaft and reaction shaft, ensuring converter hub slots are vertical and fully engage pump inner rotor lugs.
3. Test for full engagement by measuring distance from transmission case bellhousing front surface to ends of three drive plate attaching bosses of torque converter. Distance should be at least .6 inch when torque converter is pushed all the way into transmission.
4. Inspect converter drive plate and adapter for cracking or distortion and replace as necessary. Torque drive plate to crankshaft bolts to 94-101 ft. lbs.
5. Ensure bushing has been inserted into crankshaft rear end hole and apply suitable grease to bushing bore.
6. Place transmission and converter assembly on suitable jack, position under vehicle, and raise or tilt as necessary to align transmission with engine.
7. Line up dowel hole of transmission assembly with dowel bushing of engine cylinder block and adjust to ensure converter hub fits in hole of crankshaft, then install and torque converter housing bolts to 31-40 ft. lbs.
8. Install rear engine support brackets to body, lower transmission, and install extension housing mount to rear insulator.
9. Install oil filler tube and speedometer cable, then connect throttle rod A to transmission throttle lever.
10. Connect control rod to manual control lever.
11. Carefully guide sleeve yoke into extension housing and onto output shaft splines, align marks made during removal, and connect propeller shaft.
12. Install converter to drive plate bolts and torque to 33-38 ft. lbs.
13. Install starter, then tighten cooler lines to transmission fittings.
14. Adjust control rod and throttle linkage, then fill transmission to specifications using Mitsubishi Plus ATF.