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Km-146 Automatic Transmission W/Transfer Case

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect downshift link, then remove transmission selector lever and transfer shift lever. When removing transfer shift lever, ensure lever remains in 4WD high range.
3. Raise and support vehicle, then remove transfer case protector.
4. Remove control arm, control rod, then the cross select shaft.
5. Drain transmission, then the transfer case oil.
6. Remove oil cooler hoses and tubes, then the front and rear propeller shafts.
7. Disconnect speedometer cable, back-up light switch harness, then the 4WD indicator light harness.
8. Remove bellhousing cover, then the starter motor. On models with A/C, remove front propeller shaft to facilitate removal of starter motor.
9. Remove engine support rear insulator from No. 2 crossmember, then the No. 2 crossmember.
10. Support transmission and transfer case assembly with a suitable jack, then separate transfer case from transfer case mounting bracket.
11. Remove transmission to engine attaching bolts, then separate transmission/transfer case assembly from engine.
12. Lower transmission/transfer case assembly from vehicle by tilting front of transmission forward, using care not to allow rear of transmission to hit No. 4 crossmember.
13. Reverse procedure to install.