Brake Caliper: Service and Repair
1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove front wheel and tire assembly.
3. Loosen brake line to brake hose connection at strut.
4. Remove strut brake hose clips, then remove brake hoses.
5. Remove front brake assembly.
6. Remove to caliper to steering knuckle retaining bolts.
7. Remove caliper body from brake assembly.
1. Remove boot ring.
2. Place rag in front of piston, then remove piston and dust boot by applying compressed air through brake hose fitting hole. Keep fingers clear of front of piston.
3. Remove piston seal, being careful not to scratch cylinder walls.
4. Clean piston surfaces and cylinder walls with brake fluid.
5. Remove sleeve and boot from caliper body.
6. Inspect all components, replacing as necessary. Use new piston seal, boot ring, guide pin boot, and lock pin boot.
7. Apply brake fluid to cylinder walls.
8. Apply even coat of suitable rubber grease to piston seal, then install seal in cylinder.
9. Install piston into cylinder, ensuring that piston seal is not twisted.
10. Lubricate piston boots with orange grease supplied with repair kit, then install boot on piston.
11. Using boot ring, mount piston boot on cylinder.
12. Apply suitable sealant to mounting threads of support mounting guide pin, then apply orange grease to sleeves of lock pin and guide pin.
13. Mount caliper body to support mounting.
Reverse removal procedure to install, then bleed brake system.