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Transmission Fluid Replacement

Drain transaxle fluid whether there is any evidence of contamination.
1. Remove drain plugs to allow fluid to drain from transaxle.
2. Remove oil pan.
3. Check oil filter for clogging and damage. Replace as necessary.
4. Clean inside of oil pan. Clean magnets, if equipped.
5. Clean both gasket surfaces of oil pan and transaxle case.
6. Install oil pan with new gasket and tighten oil pan bolts to specifications.
7. Tighten oil pan drain plug to specifications.
8. Supply 8.5 pints of ATF into case through dipstick hole. Total quantity of ATF required is 12.9 pints. Actually however approximately 8.5 pints of fluid can be changed because rest of fluid remains in torque converter.
9. Start engine and allow to operate until for two minutes.
10. With parking brake on, move selector lever to each position, ending in neutral position.
11. Add sufficient ATF to bring fluid level to lower mark.
12. Recheck fluid level as outlined under CHECKING FLUID LEVEL.