Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rail Dust Repair

1) Use an Industrial Fallout Remover to remove the iron particles.

Use only as directed by the manufacturer. Carefully read all warnings and instructions. When working with an Industrial Fallout Remover (acid wash), you will need protective gear (rubber gloves and goggles).

2) Mix the solution in a large bucket to the proper specifications recommended by the Industrial Fallout Remover manufacturer.

3) Soak large cotton towels in the solution. Apply the soaked towels on the vehicle. Do one section at a time (i.e. hood, roof, etc.).

4) Allow the towels to remain on the vehicle for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer of the product. Remember, keep the towels wet with water. Do not allow the solution to dry on the vehicle.

5) Next, rinse the vehicle with water and inspect the area. Repeat the application, if necessary. When rinsing, use a baking soda and water solution to neutralize the acid (4 tablespoons to the gallon). Flush the surface with plenty of water.

6) After the iron particles have been dissolved by the acid wash, any remaining pits caused by the rail dust can be removed by following the repair steps under Minor or Major Damage Repair.