Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Pressure, Vacuum and Temperature Specifications

Oil Pressure Check

WARNING: Be careful not to burn yourself, as the engine and oil may be hot.
Oil pressure check should be done in "Neutral" gear position.

CAUTION: The following data is tested using SAE 10W30 oil and oil temperature is about80°C (1760 F). Slight difference will be found because of oil viscosity or oil temperature. If difference is extreme, check oil passage and oil pump for oil leaks.
1. Warm up engine.
2. Stop engine and remove oil pressure switch.

3. Install pressure gauge.
4. Start engine and check oil pressure with engine running under no-load.
5. Install oil pressure switch.
Oil pressure switch: 1O-16Nm(1.0 - 1.6 kg-m, 7 - 12 ft-lb).