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E. Applying Finish Kare

E. Apply Finish Kare to remove iron particles and acids. See procedure below:

Attempting to buff iron particles will cause severe scratching.

1. Apply Finish Kare # 1119, solution, keeping it wet for 4-5 minutes. To avoid scratching the finish, do not rub, gently move the solution around with light pressure. Do not allow the solution to dry before rinsing.

2. After the wash and rinse, gently dry the contaminated surfaces with the terry cloth towels to remove the majority of the water. Use gentle pressure on the towel to avoid scratching the paint with any loosened iron particles.

3. Apply Finish Kare # 883 directly from the bottle using the applicator provided. Keep the affected areas wet for 5 minutes and allow the solution to lift the particles. Agitate gently, but do not rub as this will scratch the color coat or clear coat of paint. Reapply # 883 to spots which start to dry before rinsing

Do not exceed the 5 minute soak time as this solution may damage the paint or trim.

4. Rinse thoroughly with tap water, dry and inspect the surface.

5. Reapply # 883 as often as needed to remove more difficult spots.

6. When all iron particles are removed, wash with Finish Kare # 118SC (Neutralizer and Shampoo) and rinse thoroughly. Gently dry with a fresh towel. Do not use towels used in the above steps, as they may have iron particles in the nap and could scratch the color coat or clear coat.