Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Soak the sand paper in water with lubricant such as Meguiar's # 0016, for at least 15 minutes before use. Mask the fenders and doors to reduce cleanup time. Wet sanding with a lubricant prevents buildup on the paper and consequent gouging of the finish.

2. Sand with 2000 grit sand paper using a sanding pad, never by hand alone. Apply plenty of water while sanding in one direction only, no more than 12-15 strokes. Do not sand in a circular pattern. Do not sand over body lines and panel edges. Rinse the paper frequently to prevent gouging.

Wet sanding vehicles with the New Cross Link Clear Coat (NCLC) hard clear coat requires a more aggressive sanding stroke. Vehicles with a conventional clear coat require a normal sanding stroke.

3. Rinse with water and squeegee gently. As the squeegee clears the water, inspect for damage.


Inspect the surface for damage under both strong fluorescent lights and full sunlight (a 500 watt halogen work lamp held at an angle about an arms length away is necessary on cloudy days). A smooth dull sanded surface is expected at this time. Bright spots or other irregularities indicate the damage needs more sanding, up to the 0.5 mil standard.

4. After the damage is removed, measure the paint thickness in several places to determine if less than 0.5 mil has been removed.

5. If the damage was deeper than 0.5 mil, the surface must be re-clear coated, or re-color coated on vehicles with no clear coat. Refer to the Warranty Paint and Body Self-Study Course, or the Warranty Flat Rate Manual for assistance.

6. If the damage has been removed with less than 0.5 mil of the color/clear coat removed, buff and polish to remove the sanding marks.