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NVIS (Nissan Vehicle Immobilizer System - NATS)


System Description
NVIS (Nissan Vehicle Immobilizer System-NATS) has the following immobilizer functions:
- Since only NVIS (NATS) ignition keys, whose IDs have been registered into the ECM and BCM, allow the engine to run, operation of a stolen vehicle without a NVIS (NATS) registered key is prevented by NVIS (NATS).

NVIS (NATS) will immobilize the engine if someone tries to start it without the registered key of NVIS (NATS).
- All of the originally supplied ignition key IDs have been NVIS (NATS) registered.
If requested by the vehicle owner, a maximum of five key IDs can be registered into the NVIS (NATS) components.

- The security indicator blinks when the ignition switch is in OFF or ACC position. NVIS (NATS) warns outsiders that the vehicle is equipped with the anti-theft system.
- When NVIS (NATS) detects trouble, the security indicator lamp lights up while ignition key is in the ON position.
- NVIS (NATS) trouble diagnosis, system initialization and additional registration of other NVIS (NATS) ignition key IDs must be carried out using CONSULT-II hardware and CONSULT-II NVIS (NATS) software. When NVIS (NATS) initialization has been completed, the ID of the inserted ignition key is automatically NVIS (NATS) registered. Then, if necessary, additional registration of other NVIS (NATS) ignition key IDs can be carried out.
Regarding the procedures of NVIS (NATS) initialization and NVIS (NATS) ignition key ID registration, refer to CONSULT-II Operation Manual NATS-IVIS/NVIS.

- When servicing a malfunction of the NVIS (NATS) (indicated by lighting up of Security Indicator Lamp) or registering another NVIS (NATS) ignition key ID, it may be necessary to re-register original key identification. Therefore, be sure to receive ALL KEYS from vehicle owner.

System Composition
The immobilizer function of the NVIS (NATS) consists of the following:
- NATS ignition key
- NATS antenna amp. located in the ignition key cylinder
- Body control module (BCM)
- Engine control module (ECM)
- Security indicator

NOTE: The communication between ECM and BCM uses the CAN communication system.

ECM Re-communicating Function
The following procedure can automatically perform re-communication of ECM and BCM, but only when the ECM has been replaced with a new one which has never been energized on-board.
(In this step, initialization procedure by CONSULT-II is not necessary)

- When registering new key IDs or replacing the ECM other than brand new, refer to CONSULT-II Operation Manual NATS-IVIS/NVIS.
- If multiple keys are attached to the key holder, separate them before work.
- Distinguish keys with unregistered key ID from those with registered ID.

1. Install ECM.
2. Using a registered key (*1), turn ignition switch to ON.
*1: To perform this step, use the key (except for card plate key) that has been used before performing ECM replacement.

3. Maintain ignition switch in ON position for at least 5 seconds.
4. Turn ignition switch to OFF.
5. Start engine.
If engine can be started, procedure is completed.
If engine cannot be started, refer to CONSULT-II Operation Manual NATS-IVIS/NVIS and initialize control unit.