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Throttle Position Sensor: Testing and Inspection

Component Inspection

1. Reconnect all harness connectors disconnected.
2. Perform EC-89, "Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning". Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning
3. Turn ignition switch ON.
4. Set selector lever to D position (A/T), 1st position (M/T).

5. Check voltage between ECM terminals 50 (TP sensor 1 signal), 69 (TP sensor 2 signal) and ground under the given conditions.
6. If NG, replace electric throttle control actuator and go to the next step.
7. Perform EC-89, "Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning". Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning
8. Perform EC-90, "Idle Air Volume Learning". Idle Air Volume Learning