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Refrigeration System


Refrigerant Cycle

The refrigerant flows in the standard pattern. Refrigerant flows through the compressor, condenser, liquid tank, expansion valve, evaporator, and back to the compressor. The refrigerant evaporation through the evaporator coil is controlled by an externally equalized expansion valve, located inside the evaporator case.

The compressor cycles on and off to maintain the evaporator temperature within a specified range. When the evaporator coil temperature falls below a specified point, the intake sensor interrupts the compressor operation. When the evaporator coil temperature rises above the specification, the intake sensor allows compressor operation.

Refrigerant System Protection

The refrigerant system is protected against excessively high- or low-pressures by the refrigerant pressure sensor, located on the condenser. If the system pressure rises above or falls below the specifications, the refrigerant pressure sensor detects the pressure inside the refrigerant line and sends a voltage signal to the ECM. The ECM de-energizes the A/C relay to disengage the magnetic compressor clutch when pressure on the high pressure side detected by refrigerant pressure sensor is over about 2,746 kPa (28 kg/sq.cm, 398 psi), or below about 120 kPa (1.22 kg/sq.cm, 17.4 psi).

The refrigerant system is also protected by a pressure relief valve, located in the rear head of the compressor. When the pressure of refrigerant in the system increases to an abnormal level [more than 2,990 kPa (30.5 kg/sq.cm, 433.6 psi)], the release port on the pressure relief valve automatically opens and releases refrigerant into the atmosphere.