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Transmitter Wake Up Operation

Transmitter Wake Up Operation

NOTE: This procedure must be done after replacement of a low tire pressure warning transmitter or BCM. New replacement transmitters are provided "asleep" and must first be "woken up" using Transmitter Activation Tool J-45295 before ID registration can be performed.

1. With the transmitter activation tool (J-45295) pushed against the front left transmitter, press the button for 5 seconds.
^ With ignition switch ON, as the warning lamp flashes per the follow diagram, the respective transmitter then must be woken up.
2. When the BCM finishes assigning each tire ID, the BCM flashes the hazard warning lamps and trailer flasher lamps (if equipped) and sends flashing indicator status by CAN according to the following time chart. Please see trailer flasher specification details of trailer flashing lamps since the BCM controls trailer flasher lamps as brake lamps.

3. After completing wake up of all transmitters, make sure low tire pressure warning lamp goes out.