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Audio - Cassette Player Maintenance

Classification: Section:
EL90-002 Electrical
All with cassette
May 24, 1990

APPLIED VEHICLES: All Nissan vehicles equipped with a cassette tape player

The playback head, capstan, and roller will attract dirt or residues from the tape material each time a cassette is played. This causes a deterioration of sound quality (i.e. distortion, reduced frequency response, and reduced clarity/fullness). If residues and dirt are not removed, loss of channel(s) or tape continuity (also referred to as: "tape eating") may occur.

To ensure the optimum performance from a cassette tape player, the following Periodic maintenance guidelines should be observed:
^ Clean the cassette tape player (specifically, the tape head and capstan rollers) after 10 hours of play or once a month (whichever occurs first).
^ Use a cassette cleaning kit (such as: Nissan Cassette Deck Cleaning System, P/N 999U2-A7000 or equivalent), being careful to follow the kit manufacturer's instructions.

Additionally, the following Cassette Tape Care guidelines should be observed:
^ Before turning off the radio, eject the cassette being played. Leaving the tape mechanism stopped while a tape is engaged can damage the tape, pinch roller, or capstan. Use tapes which are 90 minutes or less in play time.
^ Store cassette tapes properly, when not in use;
1. Use protective plastic case to prevent tape from unwinding and accumulating dust.
2. Protect tapes from extreme heat, direct sun light, and extreme cold. After turning off the radio, do not leave the tape in the cassette door pathway. Remove it to allow the tape slot door to close and keep out airborne dirt.
^ Do not use tapes that are more than 5 years old. Older tapes suffer from stretch and increased tape head residue.

The preceding information should be given to the customer at the time of vehicle purchase (Sales Department) and during vehicle servicing (Service Department).