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Alignment - Toe Specification Clarification


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Section General Information

Classification G191-005

Bulletin No. NTB91-049

Date May 16, 1991




Toe, front or rear, is the position of the tire and wheel assembly in relation to the center line of the vehicle, as viewed from the top. This alignment measurement influences the track holding characteristics of the vehicle. Incorrect Toe alignment can cause excessive tire wear.

Nissan service manuals give toe specifications as either "total toe-in" or "total too-out." Total toe-in or -out, means that one-half (1/2) of the listed dimension should be applied, equally, to each wheel.

^ Toe-In is present when the tire is closer to the center line at the front (Figure 1a).

^ Toe-Out is present when the tire is closer to the center line at the rear (Figure 1b).


1. Toe should be the last alignment specification adjusted. Refer to the Front Axle (FA) and Rear Axle (RA) sections of the appropriate Service Manual to determine the proper locations to adjust the front and rear Toe.
2. Toe should be equal, side-to-side.
3. Toe-In

When the specification is labeled "Toe-In" and dimensions are negative numbers (ie: -6 to -2 mm), the wheels should be adjusted to the "Toe-Out" position (Figure 2).

NOTE: Positive (+) Toe-In specification = Toe-In wheel setting.
Negative (-) Toe-In specification = Toe-out wheel setting.


When the specification is labeled "Toe-Out" and the dimensions are positive (+) numbers (ie: 2 to 6 mm), the wheels should be adjusted to the "Toe-Out" position (Figure 3).

NOTE: Positive (+) Toe-out specification = Toe-Out wheel setting. Negative (-) Toe-Out specification = Toe-In wheel setting.

4. Rear Toe is adjustable on some Nissan vehicles with independent rear suspensions. Usually, the adjustment, itself, is not difficult but, it is extremely important.

Nissan uses two (2) different terms to describe "Rear Toe". "Toe-In" and "Toe-Out". Contemporary wheel alignment equipment measures rear "Toe-In" and, if the wheels are actually "Toed-Out", displays the measured values as a negative (Figure 4).

5. Toe is measured as a distance or as an angle. When measuring toe as a distance, it is found by measuring the difference between the center of the front of the tire and the center of the rear of the tire at spindle height. The difference between the distances is Total Toe.

When measured as an angle, the center line of the vehicle is zero degrees (0~, 0.00~, or 0~00') and the angle of a line drawn through the center of the tire and wheel, as viewed from the top, is the Toe angle for the individual wheel.

6. Nissan Total Toe specifications are given two (2) ways:

Distance: Millimeters and Decimal Inches

Angle: Degrees and Minutes

The chart (Figure 5) shows the relationship between the common units of Total Toe measurement. Conversions vary with wheel size. Reference the appropriate service manual for exact specifications.

NOTE: When adjusting Total Toe on a vehicle with oversized tires, use the angle values on the alignment machine. Oversized tires have a larger diameter.