Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

General Information

Vehicle vibration caused by an out-of-round condition will generally appear within the first 100-200 miles of driving. If it appears later, the vibration is probably caused by some other condition. Please note that more than 90% of vehicle vibration Problems are caused by conditions other than out-of-round tires.

Out-of-roundness can only be measured as a radial force variation and most tire dealers do not have the equipment necessary to make this measurement. Because of this, the most effective way to inspect for this condition is to use a specific diagnostic procedure to rule out or confirm other causes for the vibration. The following pages of this Technical Bulletin contain a procedure that can be used to confirm/eliminate tire out-of-round as a cause of vehicle vibration. Listed are the lateral and radial runout specifications for the 1989 Nissan models to assist you when performing the procedure.