Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

4.Recycling Use

a. Recycling means making the recovered refrigerant ready to reuse by removing the moisture and air.

b. When the tank is full of recovered refrigerant, the limit switch will cause the "TANK FULL" light to come on. When this light is on, no more refrigerant can be recovered until the refrigerant in the tank is recycled (Figure 4).

c. Place the machine out of the way; turn it on and start the recycling operation. If bubbles appear in the moisture indicator and do not disappear after a few seconds, there is not enough refrigerant to recycle yet.
d. If the bubbles clear, allow the ACR-3 to recycle for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, check the moisture indicator. If the indicator is yellow, there is still moisture in the refrigerant.
e. Keep recycling until the moisture indicator turns deep green. If the indicator does not turn green after two hours, the filter must be replaced. Follow the previously-stated filter replacement instructions to replace the filter.
f. If the moisture indicator is still not green - after a new filter has been installed and the recycler was run for two (2) hours - contact Kent-Moore at (800) 345-2233.
g. When the moisture indicator is green, turn off the unit. Close the valves on the tank and remove the tank from the unit. This tank is now ready to charge back into vehicles.
h. Install a new tank onto the ACR-3.