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Heat Exchanger Cleaning Procedure


If contaminants are found in the automatic transmission, there will also be contaminants in the oil cooler. Therefore, the cooler must be flushed or the materials that are present will find their way into the clean transmission. To flush the heat exchanger, use clean solvent in the following procedure.

1. Connect two long hoses (approximately 4') onto the radiator heat exchanger fittings.

2. Place one end of the hose onto the solvent discharge line of your shop solvent tank.

3. Run the second line back into the solvent tank.

4. Start the pump on the solvent tank and allow the solvent to flow for a minimum of ten minutes.

5. Disconnect the hoses at the radiator heat exchanger. Blow the heat exchanger out with compressed air at low pressure (10 psi maximum). Then reinstall the automatic transmission cooler lines.