Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Tester Preparation

The date and time MUST BE accurately set on the tester. If the date and time are incorrect, the suspension or denial of repairs claimed as warranty, service contract, goodwill or service campaign will result.

Verifying date and time.

A. With the tester clamps disconnected, press and hold the "MENU" button until the "OPTION SELECT-PRINT RESULTS" display appears.

B. Use either of the blue up/down arrows to scroll until the "SET DATE & TIME" display appears.

C. Press "ENTER." The day of the week, calendar date, "STD" (standard) or "MIL" (military) time, the hour/minute and "AM/PM" (if "STD" is displayed) will appear.

D. If the date and time displayed are correct, continue to press "ENTER" repeatedly until the "OPTION SELECT-PRINT RESULT" display appears. Proceed to Tester Usage on next page. If the date and time are not correct, proceed to Adjusting the date and time, step A.

Adjusting the date and time.

A. The underscore (_) symbol will be present under the day of the week.

^ If this is correct, press "ENTER" to move the underscore symbol to the month.

^ If the day of the week display is incorrect, use the blue up/down arrows to select the correct day of the week, then press "ENTER."

^ Continue to set the month/day/year in this fashion.

B. The underscore symbol should now be under the "STD" display. If "MIL" is displayed use the blue arrow keys to select "STD", then press "ENTER" to move the underscore symbol to the hour adjustment.

C. Using the "ENTER" button and the blue arrow keys, continue to adjust the hour, minute and "AM/PM" display.

D. After you have adjusted the "AM/PM" display and pushed "ENTER", the "OPTION SELECT-PRINT RESULT" display will appear. The date and time are now set.