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Warranty - Expansion of VOR Freight Reimbursement


Reference: WARRANTY BULLETIN HB/91-002

Date: February 1, 1991



Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A. is pleased to announce that as a result of dealer comment and input, commencing January 2, 1991, warranty repairs are eligible for reimbursement for additional freight charges which are applied to VOR parts orders.

Parts which are not in stock at the dealership may now be ordered "Air Freight Collect". (Selection 1 on the Datanet Order Entry Screen.) Reimbursement will take place when the warranty claim which requests the VOR Freight Charge is processed by NMC.

In-dealership communications, concerning the availability and use of this policy change, will be an additional aid in your reaching higher levels of customer satisfaction due to the increased service levels which your dealership is now able to provide. Failure to notify the customer of the additional benefit of the overnight part service being provided is a missed opportunity to verbally demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Overnight service allows you to schedule, in advance, the part replacement. This allows you to notify your customer of the exact timing of vehicle repair.

This policy enhancement is applicable to all transactions which are not related to the following items: dealer "come backs", customer paid repairs, insurance repairs, wholesale accounts, tire claims, dealer owned/operated vehicles, and supplementing of stock orders.

A separate communication will be issued concerning Security+Plus repairs.

Part ordering procedures remain the same as outlined in the Parts & Accessories Policies & Procedures Manual.

Reimbursement calculations and procedures remain the same as outlined in Service Bulletin WB/90-002 dated March 21, 1990. That is, the reimbursement per part is calculated by dividing the total freight charges by the Total Number of Parts on the invoice. Request for reimbursement is accomplished by inserting the part number VORFXXXXXX in the parts section of the appropriate warranty claim. (The "XXXXXX: following VORF in the part number represents the invoice number.)

Documentation requirements remain unchanged from those announced previously.