Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fluid Level, Leakage and Condition Checks

Preliminary Checks (Prior to Road Testing)

If the governor cap is suspected:
1. Open hood.
2. Remove snap retainer, governor cap and seal ring, then reinstall them. Refer to ON-VEHICLE SERVICE.
3. Clean the area around the governor cap.
4. Run the vehicle at highway speeds.
5. Check the governor cap for fresh leakage.

To detect a fluid leak:
1. Raise vehicle.
2. Clean areas suspected of leaking.
3. Start engine, apply foot brake, place selector lever in drive, and wait a few minutes.
4. Stop engine.
5. Check for fresh leakage.

Examine the A.T.F. and note its color, texture, and odor.
1. Dark of Black Fluid:
With a burned odor
- Worn friction material.

2. Milky Pink Fluid: Water Contamination
- Road water entering through filler tube or breather.

3. Varnished Fluid, light to dark brown and tacky: Oxidation
- Over or Underfilling.
- Overheating.