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Control Valve Assembly.



a. Remove bolts (A), (D) and (F), and remove oil strainer from control valve assembly.

b. Remove solenoid valve assembly and line pressure solenoid valve from control valve assembly.
- Be careful not to lose the line pressure solenoid valve spring.

c. Remove O-rings from solenoid valves and terminal body.

d. Place upper body facedown, and remove bolts ((B), (C) and (F).

e. Remove lower body from inter body.

f. Turn over lower body, and accumulator support plates.

g. Remove boils (E), separating plate and separating gaskets from lower body.
h. Remove steel balls and relief valve springs from lower body.
- Be careful not to lose steel balls and relief valve springs.

i. Remove inter body from upper body.
j. Remove pilot filter, separating plate and gaskets from upper body.

k. Check to see that steel balls are properly positioned in inter body and then remove them.
- Be careful not to lose steel balls.

l. Check to see that steel balls are properly positioned in upper body and then remove them.
- Be careful not to lose steel balls.


Lower and upper bodies

- Check to see that retainer plates are properly positioned in lower body.

- Check to see that retainer plates are properly positioned in upper body.

Oil strainer
- Check wire netting of oil strainer for damage.

Shift solenoid valves A and B, line pressure solenoid valve, torque converter clutch solenoid valve and overrun clutch solenoid valve

- Measure resistance. Refer to AT-129.ZZZZ

Oil cooler relief valve spring

- Check springs for damage or deformation.

Inspection Standard:

- Measure free length and outer diameter.

1. Install upper, inter and lower body.

a. Place oil circuit of upper body face up. Install steel balls in their proper positions.

b. Install upper separating gasket, upper inter separating gasket and upper separating plate in order shown in illustration.
- Always use new gaskets.

c. Install reamer bolts (F) from bottom of upper body. Using reamer bolts as guides, install separating plate and gaskets as a seat.

d. Install pilot filter.

e. Place inter body as shown in the illustration. Install steel balls in their proper positions.

f. Install inter body on upper body using reamer bolts (F) as guides.
- Be careful not to dislocate or drop steel balls.

g. Install steel balls and relief valve springs in their proper positions in lower body.

h. Install lower separating gasket, inner separating gasket and lower separating plate in order shown in the illustration.

i. Install bolts (E) from bottom of lower body. Using bolt (E) as guides, install separating plate and gaskets as a set.
j. Install support plates on lower body.

k. Install lower body on inter body using reamer bolts (F) as guides and tighten reamer bolts (F) slightly.

2. Install O-rings to solenoid valves and terminal body.
- Apply ATF to O-rings.

Bolt Length, Number And Location:

3. Install and tighten bolts.

a. Install and tighten bolts (B) to specified torque.

Tightening Torque: 7 - 9 N.m (0.7 - 0.9 kg-m, 61 - 78 in-lb)

b. Install solenoid valve assembly and line pressure solenoid valve to lower body.

c. Remove reamer bolts (F) and set oil strainer on control valve assembly.
d. Reinstall reamer bolts (F) from lower body side.

e. Tighten bolts (A), (C), (D) and (F) to specified torque.

Tightening Torque: 7 - 9 N.m (0.7 - 0.9 kg-m, 61 - 78 in-lb)

f. Tighten bolts (E) to specified torque.

Tightening Torque: 3.4 - 4.4 N.m (0.35 - 0.45 kg-m, 30 - 39 in-lb)