Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Install striking rod, lever and interlock.

Note: Tape edges of striking rod to avoid damaging oil seal lip during installation. When taped edges of striking rod are past the oil seal, remove tape.

2. Install reverse check sleeve assembly.
3. Install check balls, reverse check spring and reverse check plug.

Available Reverse Check Plugs:

4. Check reverse check force.

Reverse check force: 4.9 - 7.4 N-m (50 - 75 kg-cm, 43 - 65 in-lb)
- If not within specification, select another check plug having a different length and reinstall it.

5. Install selected reverse check plug.

Note: Apply locking sealant to thread of plug before installing it.

6. Install check ball plug, shift check ball and shift check spring.
7. Install oil pocket.

8. Install gear components onto clutch housing.
a. Install final drive assembly.

b. Install input shaft assembly with bearing retainer, mainshaft assembly and reverse idler gear.

Note: Be careful not to damage oil seal lip with splines of input shaft.

Note: Be careful not to damage oil channel when inserting mainshaft into clutch housing.

c. Install input shaft front bearing retainer.

9. Apply grease to shifter caps and install to control bracket.
Install control bracket with 1st & 2nd shift fork.

Note: When installing control bracket on clutch housing, ensure bracket is correctly seated.
10. Install 3rd & 4th and 5th shift forks.

11. Insert fork shaft.

Note: Apply multi-purpose grease to support spring before installing.

12. Install reverse idler spacer.

13. Apply recommended sealant to mating surface of clutch housing.

14. Install transmission case on clutch housing.

15. Install mainshaft front bearing snap ring.

16. Tap mainshaft with a soft hammer to ensure mainshaft is properly seated.

17. Check mainshaft bearing end play.

Mainshaft bearing end play: 0 - 0.1 mm (0 - 0.004 in)

- If not within specification, select another case cover having a different thickness.
Available case covers: [1][2]Mechanical Specifications

18. Install O-ring and case cover on transmission case.

Note: Apply recommended sealant to mating surface of transmission case.