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Content Theft Deterrent/Shock Sensor Control Modes

To customize the Content Theft Deterrent/Shock Sensor Control Modes pull the Body Control Module (BCM) PRGRM Fuse from the fuse panel and then turn the Ignition Switch to "ACCESSORY." The seat belt telltale flashes and the chime sounds 2-4 times to indicate that the vehicle is in a feature customization mode. Each time the Headlamp and I/P Lamp Dimmer Switch is turned on, the seat belt telltale flashes and the chime sounds a number of times equal to the current customization mode number as shown below:
1. Mode 1: If anyone seriously damages the vehicle or opens a door or the liftgate while the Content Theft Deterrent System is armed, an alarm will sound and the Park Lamps will flash for up to two minutes.
2. Mode 2: If anyone opens a door or the liftgate while the Content Theft Deterrent System is armed, an alarm will sound and the Park Lamps will flash for up to two minutes.
3. Mode 3: The Content Theft Deterrent System is always disarmed.
4. Mode 4: If anyone damages or enters the vehicle while the Content Theft Deterrent System is armed, an alarm will sound and the Park Lamps will flash for up to two minutes.

Each time the Headlamp and I/P Lamp Dimmer Switch is turned on the mode number will advance. A transition past mode 4 will repeat starting again at mode 1. To exit and save the current customization, take the Ignition Switch out of "ACCESSORY" and replace the BCM PRGRM Fuse back into the fuse panel. If you desire to customize other features, customize them before reinstalling the BCM PRGRM Fuse into the fuse panel.