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Jump Starting Procedure

CAUTION: Do not connect a jumper cable directly to the negative terminal of a discharged battery to prevent sparking and possible explosion of battery gases.

^ When jump starting a vehicle with charging equipment, be sure equipment used is 12-volt and negative ground. Do not use 24-volt charging equipment. Using such equipment can cause serious damage to the electrical system or electronic parts.
^ Do not push or tow the vehicle to start. Damage to the emission system and/or to other parts of the vehicle may result. Both booster and discharged battery should be treated carefully when using jumper cables. Follow the procedure outlined below, being careful not to cause sparks.

1. Position the vehicle with the good battery so that the jumper cables will reach, but do not let the vehicles touch. Be sure the jumper cables do not have loose or missing insulation.
2. Turn the ignition "OFF". Turn all lamps and electrical loads on both vehicles "OFF
^ The hazard flasher and any lamps should be left on as needed.
3. Apply the parking brake on both vehicles.
^ Vehicles with automatic transaxles should be shifted to "Park" position.
^ Vehicles with manual transaxles should be shifted to the "Neutral" position.
4. Check the built-in hydrometer. If it is clear or light yellow, replace the battery.
5. A remote positive stud is provided for jump starting. It is covered by a red plastic flap and is located on the right side accessory wiring junction block. Clamp one end of the first jumper cable to the positive terminal on the discharged battery or its remote positive stud. Making sure it does not touch any other metal parts, clamp the other end of the same booster cable to the booster battery or its remote positive stud. Never connect positive to negative.
6. Clamp one end of the second cable to the negative terminal of the booster battery. Make the final connection to a solid engine ground at least 450 mm (18 inches) from the discharged battery. Make sure the cables are not on or near pulleys, fans or other parts that will move when the engine.
7. Start the vehicle's engine with the good battery. Run the engine at a moderate speed (approximately 1500 RPM) for several minutes. Then, start the engine of the vehicle which has the discharged battery.
8. Remove the jumper cables by reversing the above sequence. Remove the negative cable from the vehicle with the discharged battery first. While removing each clamp, take care that it does not touch any other metal surfaces while the other end remains attached.