Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Important: Do not confuse this noise with pump whine noise, which is usually noticeable in Park, Neutral, and all other gear ranges. Pump whine will vary with line pressure.

You may notice a torque converter whine when the vehicle is stopped and the transaxle is in Drive or Reverse. This noise will increase as you increase the engine RPM. The noise will stop when the vehicle is moving or when you apply the torque converter clutch, because both halves of the converter are turning at the same speed.

Perform a stall test to make sure the noise is actually coming from the converter:
1. Place your foot on the brake
2. Put the gear selector in Overdrive

NOTICE: You may damage the transmission if you depress the accelerator for more than six seconds.

3. Depress the accelerator to approximately 1200 RPM for no more than six seconds. A torque converter noise will increase under this load.