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Compressor Runs Continuously

Fig. 18 Sensor connector wire terminal locations:

1. On models equipped with DFI, reset the cycle of the ELC system by turning ignition ``On,'' moving gear selector lever from ``Park'' to ``Reverse'' and back to ``Park.'' On all other models, cycle ignition ``Off'' then ``On.'' Disconnect compressor relay.
a. If compressor operates, check for short in green wire to battery positive. Repair as necessary.
b. If compressor does not operate, inspect for leaking or continuous exhausting. If compressor is leaking or exhausting, refer to ``Improper Or Continuous Exhaust.'' If compressor is not leaking or exhausting, test for ground at pin 3 of height sensor, Fig. 18. If pin 3 is not grounded, check for grounded condition in yellow test lead located near compressor. If yellow test lead is satisfactory, check relay and compressor performance. Refer to ``Compressor Current Draw, Pressure Output & Leak Down Test.'' Repair or replace as necessary and retest system.