Overrun Clutch
1. Remove overrun clutch snap ring and overrun clutch backing plate from overrun clutch housing.
2. Remove clutch plates from overrun clutch housing.
3. Check compositioned-faced and flat steel clutch plates.
4. Remove overrun clutch hub snap ring, overrun roller clutch cam assembly and check for damage.
5. Remove retainer and wave spring assembly from overrun clutch housing and check for damage.
6. Remove overrun clutch piston assembly, inner and outer seal from overrun clutch piston and check for damage.
7. Check overrun clutch housing for damage and restricted oil passages.
8. Install new inner and outer oil seals onto piston with seal lips facing away from clutch apply ring.
9. Install tool No. J29335 onto overrun clutch piston. Lubricate oil seal and install overrun clutch piston.
10. Remove tool No. J29335 and install overrun clutch waved release spring and retainer.
11. Install roller clutch cam onto roller clutch assembly. Position roller clutch tangs onto roller clutch cam.
12. Install roller clutch assembly onto overrun clutch hub.
13. Compress retainer and install snap ring.
14. Lubricate and install overrun clutch plates into overrun clutch housing, starting with a flat steel clutch plate and alternating to a compositioned-faced clutch plate.
15. Install backing plate with chamfered side facing upward into overrun clutch housing.
16. Install snap ring. Ensure compositioned-faced clutch plates turn freely.
17. Using a suitable tool, remove overdrive pinion pins, pin ions, thrust washer and roller needle bearings.
18. Check pinion pocket thrust faces for burrs. Remove burrs if present
19. Remove overdrive carrier thrust bearing assembly from overdrive carrier.
20. Thoroughly clean, blow dry and check thrust bearing assembly for damage.
21. Install thrust bearing assembly into overdrive carrier an secure using a suitable lubricant
22. Install 19 needle bearings into each piston.
23. Position bronze and steel thrust washer onto each side of bearing. Steel thrust washer should be against
pinion. Secure thrust washers using a suitable lubricant
24. Position pinion assembly into overdrive carrier and use a suitable dummy shaft to align components.
25. Force pinion pin into position while rotating pinion.
26. Install overdrive carrier snap ring.