Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Slipping 2-3 Shift

1. Low fluid level.

2. Improperly adjusted throttle valve cable.

3. Binding throttle valve.

4. Spacer plate and gaskets.

a. Direct clutch orifice partially blocked in spacer plate.

b. Gaskets out of position or damaged.

5. Intermediate servo assembly.

a. Damaged or missing servo to case oil seal ring.

b. Damaged piston or servo bore.

c. Intermediate servo orifice bleed cup plug in case missing.

d. Case porous in the servo bore area.

6. Direct clutch feed.

a. Direct clutch feed channels porous.

b. Loose case to support bolts causing leakage.

c. Cracked direct clutch piston or housing.

d. Cut or missing piston seals. a Burned direct clutch plates.

f. Check ball in piston and/or housing missing, damaged, or leaking.

g. Check ball capsule damaged.

h. Release spring guide improperly located preventing check ball from seating in piston.

7. Center support

a. Channels cross feeding, leaking, or restricted.

b. Damaged or missing oil seal rings.