Automatic Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION1. Disconnect negative battery cable from transaxle.
2. Using a 1/4" x 2" long bolt, insert bolt in hole at front R.H. motor mount to prevent mount mislocation during transaxle removal.
3. Remove the air cleaner and disconnect the T.V. cable at the throttle lever.
4. Remove bolt securing T.V. cable to transaxle. Pull up on cable cover at transaxle until cable is seen. Disconnect cable from the transaxle rod.
5. Remove bolt securing engine wire harness at top front of transaxle.
6. Remove hose from air management valve (if so equipped), allowing the engine wire harness to be pulled up and out of way.
7. Install Engine Support Fixture, J-22825-1 and J-22825-20. Fixture must be modified and installed. Raise engine enough to take pressure from motor mounts.
CAUTION: Engine support must be located in center of cowl and fasteners must be torqued before supporting engine. Fixture is not intended to support entire weight of engine and transaxle. Bodily injury could result with improper use of support fixture.
8. Remove top transaxle mount and bracket assembly. It may be necessary to raise engine to allow removal.
9. Disconnect shift control linkage from transaxle.
10. Remove top transaxle to engine mounting bolts. Loosen transaxle to engine bolt near starter but do not remove.
11. Unlock steering column and raise car.
12. Remove both front wheel/tire assemblies.
13. Remove cotter pin and loosen a castellated ball joint nut until ball joint separates from control arm.
14. Repeat on other side.
15. Remove bolt securing stabilizer bar to LH lower control arm.
16. Remove six bolts securing L.H. front suspension support assembly.
17. Assemble Axle Shaft Removal Tool J-28468, to Slide Hammer J-23907.
18. Position axle shaft removal tool behind axle shaft cones and pull cones out away from transaxle. Remove axle shafts and plug transaxle bores to reduce fluid leakage.
19. Remove nut securing transaxle control cable bracket to transaxle. Then, remove engine to transaxle stud.
20. Disconnect speedometer cable from transaxle.
21. Disconnect transaxle strut (stabilizer) at transaxle.
22. Remove four screws securing torque converter shield and remove shield from transaxle.
23. Remove three bolts securing torque converter to flex plate.
24. Disconnect transaxle cooler lines and plug to prevent leakage.
25. Remove starter.
26. Remove screws holding brake and fuel line brackets to L.H. side of underbody. This will allow the brake and fuel lines to be moved for clearance during transaxle removal.
27. Remove the remaining bolt securing transaxle to engine located near the starter.
28. Remove transaxle by sliding to L.H. side and away from engine.
29. Reverse removal procedure.
30. Reinstall both axle shafts after transaxle is in place.
31. When reinstalling the front suspension support assembly, it is necessary to follow the tightening sequence to maintain suspension alignment.
32. A suspension alignment check should be made after transaxle installation is complete.
33. Adjust T.V. cable.