Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Procedure #2

Fig. 16 Compressor solenoid exhaust valve terminal connector:

Fig. 17 Compressor solenoid exhaust valve terminals:

1. Measure vehicle trim height as described under ``Vehicle Trim Height Check.''
a. If vehicle trim height is high, proceed to step 2.
b. If vehicle trim height is within specifications, refer to ``Systems Operational Test.''
2. Check shock absorber air boot inflation.
a. If air boot is very hard, check for pinched air lines and/or plugged dryer. Repair system as necessary, then recheck system. If vehicle is high, proceed to step 3.
b. If air boot is soft, the problem is in the vehicle suspension.
3. Disconnect electrical connector from compressor exhaust solenoid and connect test lamp between ground and orange wire terminal in connector, Fig. 16.
a. If test lamp lights, proceed to step 4.
b. If test lamp does not light, repair open in B+ circuit to solenoid valve.
4. Ground one terminal of solenoid valve and connect 12 volt power source to opposite terminal, Fig. 17.
a. If pressure drops, reconnect electrical connector and proceed to step 5.
b. If pressure does not drop, replace solenoid valve and recheck system.
5. Raise and support vehicle and check that the height sensor ground wire is securely fastened and the link is attached to the sensor arm. Also, check that sensor arm adjusting nut is tight, sensor electrical connectors are secure and correct sensor is installed on vehicle.
a. If all items are satisfactory, proceed to step 6.
b. If items are defective, repair as necessary and recheck system operation.
6. Disconnect electrical connector from height sensor and connect jumper wire between ground and harness connector terminal 2. Observe if shocks deflate with ignition switch On. If shocks are flat from previous testing, inflate shocks by first connecting jumper wire between terminal 3 and ground.
a. If shocks deflate, proceed to step 7.
b. If shocks do not deflate, repair open in white wire between connector terminal 2 and compressor solenoid valve.
7. Check height sensor operation.
a. If system operates satisfactorily, adjust height sensor to provide lower trim height.
b. If shocks do not deflate, replace height sensor.