1. Install new seals on accumulator piston and install piston, spring and cover. Compress cover and install retainer ring.
2. Install low and reverse clutch piston. Notch in piston must be installed adjacent to parking pawl. Install piston return springs, and spring seat and, after installing compressor, install snap ring.
3. Install output ring gear to case needle bearing assembly, shoulder down.
4. Assemble output ring gear on output shaft. Install new snap ring on shaft.
5. Install needle thrust bearing with lip facing upward.
6. Install output ring gear and shaft assembly in case.
7. Install reaction carrier on output shaft.
8. Install low and reverse clutch pack. Notch in steel plates toward bottom of case.
9. Install low and reverse roller clutch support retaining spring, then install support. Align tangs on inner race with slots in reaction carrier. Install retaining ring.
10. Install sun gear thrust washer on roller clutch inner race. Install sun gear drive shell assembly.
11. Install output carrier assembly and snap ring.
12. Install input ring gear to output carrier thrust washer.
13. Install input ring gear front thrust washer.
14. Install input ring gear into forward clutch drum.
15. Install direct and forward clutch assemblies in case. Align plates with splines and insert till tangs are 1/8 inch below notches in drive shell.
16. Install intermediate overrun band.
17. Install intermediate clutch pressure plate, clutch pack and cushion spring.
18. After lubricating case bore, install new pump gasket.
a. Install proper selective thrust washer to obtain .033-.064 inch endplay.
NOTE: Some units use a needle thrust bearing and shims. Proper endplay for 1980-86 units is .010-044 inch. Endplay is adjusted by installing shims (maximum of two) under the needle thrust bearing. Install needle thrust bearing with lip facing downward.
19. Install two guide pins and using slide hammers to hold pump, align and drive pump home. Torque to 15-25 ft lbs. If the input shaft cannot be rotated clockwise as the pump is being bolted into place, the direct clutch and forward clutch housing has not been properly installed to index the face plates with their respective parts. This condition must be corrected before the pump is bolted into place.
20. Install intermediate servo.
21. Tighten adjusting screw until it is located in band slot.
22. Install intermediate band, ensure that band ends are properly located on servo rod and adjusting screw ends.
23. Checking band apply pin. If tool J-23071 is below the straight edge surface, the long pin (with groove) should be used. If tool is above the straight edge, the short pin (without groove) should be used. Identification groove is located on the band lug end.
24. Install intermediate servo assembly.
25. Install parking pawl, shaft and plug, Use 3/8 inch diameter rod to seat plug flush and stake plug.
26. Install new lip seal, manual shaft, range selector lever parking pawl rod and nut. Torque to 30 ft. lbs.
27. Tap manual shaft retainer into place.
28. Install parking pawl spring and bracket, Torque to 27 ft. lbs.
29. Install governor feed screen.
30. Install oil pump pressure screen, ring end first.
31. Install check balls.
32. Install valve body and gasket, spacer support plate (do not tighten) and spacer plate gasket. Install detent valve link in actuating lever. Install valve body while installing manual link in range selector lever, When handling valve body, do not depress sleeves as retaining pins will fall into transmission.
Check Balls:
33. Install check balls TCC models.
34. Torque valve body and support plate bolts to 13 ft lbs. Install detent roller and spring.
35. Install valve body spacer plate to case gasket, valve body spacer plate and spacer plate to valve body gasket. Install spacer support plate and torque bolts to 13 ft lbs. Install auxiliary valve body and torque bolts to 13 ft lbs. Install valve body and connect manual control valve link to range selector inner lever, then install manual shaft retaining clip and torque bolts to 13 ft lbs, leaving detent roller and spring assembly bolt loose. Do not touch sleeves when handling valve body as retainer pins may fall into transmission. Install detent roller and spring assembly to valve body and install detent control valve wire to detent valve actuating lever, then attach lever to valve body. Install solenoid and connect wires then install governor pressure switch if removed.
36. Install oil pump screen and oil pan. On some units the oil pump screen is retained by attaching bolts. Torque pan bolts to 12 ft lbs.
37. Install governor, cover and retainer. The dimple in the center of the cover provides proper endplay for the governor. Use hammer only on the cover flange. A distorted cover must be replaced.
38. Install speedometer gear, yoke seal and extension housing.
39. Install vacuum modulator.