I/M 240 Program - Equipment Purchase
File in Section: 6E - Engine Fuel & EmissionBulletin No.: 43-65-10
Date: January, 1995
Enhanced Emission Inspection Maintenance Program - Equipment Purchase Considerations
1995 and Prior Passenger Cars and Trucks
Previous bulletins have been issued regarding the structure of the Enhanced Emission Inspection Program, Bulletin 436505, and the essential tools and training required by General Motors Technology Group, Bulletin 43-65-07. These bulletins should be referred to for information on this new emissions test program including implementation dates and state contact phone numbers.
The purpose of this bulletin is to stress STG's position on the purchase of Enhanced Emissions Inspection equipment, also known as "RG240" equipment. GM-STG DOES NOT RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE OF ANY ADDITIONAL IM240 EQUIPMENT APART FROM THE ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT FOR THIS PROGRAM AT THIS TIME.
Little is known of the actual effectiveness of these devices. Because of this, STG is conducting a detailed study on the subject. The objective: to determine the ability of various RG240 repair validation techniques and equipment to predict IM240 outcome. Any processes that are effective in performing repair verification will be endorsed by GM-STG and merchandised accordingly. The results of this study will be shared with you as soon as they are available, most likely this summer. Until that time, the Strategy Based Diagnostic procedure found in the Enhanced Inspection Maintenance Diagnostic Manual, if adhered to, will result in successful IM240 repairs.