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Engine - Extended Crank Time



DATE: July 2,1984

Some 5.0L V-8 engines may experience an extended cranking time (10-30 seconds) after warm engine operation and an overnight waiting period. This is due to the fuel in the carburetor bowl evaporating and lowering the fuel level.

To reduce the time required to get fuel to the carburetor, the following procedures have been developed.

1. Fuel Pump Operational Checks

Vacuum - Install vacuum gauge on pump inlet and crank engine to obtain maximum vacuum. After 15 seconds, gauge reading should be at least 15 inches Hg.

Volume - Install hose from pressure line to a suitable container. Pump should supply at least 1/2 pint of fuel in 15 seconds with engine idling.

Pressure - Install gauge on pressure line with gauge located approximately 16 inches above the fuel pump. Pinch the fuel return line closed. With engine idling, pressure should be at least 5-1/2 psi.

The fuel pump must pass all 3 operational checks or replacement is required.

2. Choke Operation (Except Carburetor Number 17084256 and 17084258)

Install new choke coil and cover kit, part no. 17110646.

3. Carburetor Base Gasket

Inspect base gasket color. If black, replace with new base gasket, part no. 22508038 which is brown in color.

4. Carburetor Float Level

Check float level setting. Setting must be within 1/16 inch of specifications.

5. Ignition Timing

Ignition timing can vary with engine temperature. Timing must be set to specifications at normal operating temperature.

6. Starting Procedures

NOTICE: Do not crank the engine for more than 15 seconds at a time. Wait 10 to 15 seconds between each crank time to prevent starter damage.
Cold Engine

Press the accelerator pedal to the floor and slowly release it. (Press it three or four times if outside temperatures are less than 0~ F., or if the car has been standing idle for several days.) Then, with your foot OFF the pedal, crank the engine by turning the ignition key to "Start." Release the key when the engine starts.

If the engine does not start, or starts but fails to run, repeat this procedure.

Warm Engine

Do not press down on the accelerator pedal. With your foot off the pedal, crank the engine by turning the ignition key to "Start." If the engine does not start after three seconds of cranking, press down the accelerator pedal to 1/3 of its travel while cranking. Release key and accelerator pedal when the engine starts.

If the engine does not start, press accelerator pedal to the floor and slowly release it three or four times. Repeat warm engine starting procedure.


Failed Trouble Operation Labor
Operation Part No. Code Number Hours

Perform all checks. 17110646 92 T4078 .9
Replace choke cover & base gasket.

Replace fuel pump - add: .7