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Charge Lamp/Indicator: Testing and Inspection

Fig. 2 Typical charge indicator lamp wiring. Delco SI type charging system:

This system features an integral solid state regulator mounted inside the alternator slip ring end frame. The alternator indicator lamp is installed in the field wire circuit connected between the ignition ``Ign.'' terminal and alternator No. 1 terminal, Fig. 2. The resistance provided by the alternator warning light circuit is needed to protect the diode trio. The alternator indicator lamp should light when the ignition switch is turned on before engine is started. If lamp does not light, either lamp is burned out or indicator lamp wiring has an open circuit. After engine is started, the indicator lamp should be out at all times. If indicator lamp comes on, alternator belt may be loose, alternator or regulator may be defective, charging circuit may be defective or fuse may be blown.

1. Switch Off, Lamp On:
a. Disconnect electrical connector from alternator terminals 1 and 2.
b. If indicator light remains lit, repair short circuit between leads.
c. If indicator light goes out, replace alternator rectifier bridge.
2. Switch On, lamp Off, engine not running:
a. Perform tests described in step 1.
b. If problem still exists, there may be an open circuit.
c. To locate open circuit, check for blown fuse or fusible link, burned out bulb, defective bulb socket or an open in No. 1 lead circuit between alternator and ignition switch.
d. If no faults are found, check charging system for proper operation.
3. Switch On, lamp On, engine running:
a. On models so equipped, check condition of fuse between indicator light and ignition switch and fuse in A/C circuit.
b. Check charging system for proper operation.