Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Final Drive

1. Check final drive to case endplay as follows:
a. Rotate transaxle so the right axle end is facing upwards.
b. Remove output shaft loading tool No. J-26958 and bracket tool No. J-26958-11, loading tool. Leave axle adapter tool No. J-26958-10 in place.

Fig. 32, Checking for proper final drive endplay:

c. Install dial indicator and brackets as shown, Fig. 32. Zero the dial indicator while pushing down on adapter.
d. Using a large screwdriver through governor bore, lift on the governor drive gear and note dial indicator reading. Final drive to case endplay should be .005-.032 inch (.12-.82 mm). The selective washer is located between the differential assembly and the differential carrier case thrust bearing assembly. If more or less washer thickness is necessary to bring endplay within specifications, select proper washer thickness from final drive to case endplay selective washer chart.



.055-.059 1.40-1.50 0/Orange
.059-.062 1.50-1.60 1/White
.062-.066 1.60-1.70 2/Blue
.066-.070 1.70-1.80 3/Pink
.070-.074 1.80-1.90 4/Brown
.074-.078 1.90-2.00 5/Green
.078-.082 2.00-2.10 6/Black
.082-.086 2.10-2.20 7/Purple
.086-.091 2.20-2.30 8/Purple & White
.091-.095 2.30-2.40 9/Purple & Blue

e. Remove dial indicator and support from transaxle.
2. Rotate transaxle so the case cover side faces upward.
3. Remove final drive internal gear spacer to case snap ring. The snap ring is .092 inch (2.36 mm) thick.

Fig. 33, Removing final drive unit:

4. Remove final drive internal gear spacer, then install final drive unit remover/installer tool No. J-28545 (1986) or No. J-33381 (1987-90) into final drive assembly and pull out, Fig. 33.