Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Input Unit Parts

1. Using suitable punch, remove detent lever to manual shaft pin, see image.

2. Remove manual shaft to case retaining nail/pin, detent lever, manual shaft and parking lock actuator rod, see image.

3. Remove driven sprocket support and support to direct clutch thrust washer, see image. Remove band anchor hole plug.

4. Remove intermediate band anchor hole plug, see image, then remove intermediate band.

5. Remove input shaft, direct and forward clutches as an assembly , see image. Separate direct and forward clutch assemblies.

6. Remove input internal gear to input shaft thrust washer, then input internal gear, see image.

7. Remove input carrier assembly, input carrier to input internal gear thrust washer and input carrier to input sun gear thrust washer, see image.

8. Remove input sun gear, then input drum, see image.